What are the factors affecting the yellowing resistance of TPE/TPR?

  • Time of issue:2022-10-31
  • Views:952

What are the factors affecting the yellowing resistance of TPE/TPR?

  • Categories:Elastomer knowledge
  • Author:SPP
  • Origin:en.tpe-sp.com
  • Time of issue:2022-10-31
  • Views:952

  tpe / tpr transparent material white will turn yellow? Plastic Bo Plastic Bo through the understanding that TPE material discoloration factors actually have little to do with the material, mainly affected by the natural environment, now many manufacturers are using environmentally friendly production materials, now the country's green awareness is the basic quality of everyone, so Plastic Bo to share: TPE / TPR yellowing resistance of what are the factors affecting? Before starting the discussion, let's talk about two concepts: yellowing resistance and hydrogenation.

  1. Hydrogenation - organic or polymer compound molecules containing unsaturated bonds (usually referred to as carbon-carbon double and triple bonds, also contains unsaturated bonds between other atoms), under the appropriate conditions of action (such as temperature, pressure, initiator and catalyst, etc.) and hydrogen atoms undergo addition or agglomeration reactions to destroy the unsaturated double or triple bonds, so that The hydrogen atom and the original unsaturated bond atom form a more stable chemical bond (e.g. hydrocarbon single bond). After hydrogenation, at the microscopic level, the chemical stability, oxidation resistance and yellowing resistance of the material are enhanced due to the formation of a more stable single bond structure.

  2. Yellowing resistance - refers to the light-colored material encounter electronegative strong (strong oxidizing) medium resistance to the oxidizing medium (or oxidation resistance), if the material resistance to oxidizing medium is poor, the material is prone to oxidation yellowing, yellowing resistance is poor.

  Then discuss the TPE, TPR transparent material white material yellowing resistance factors.

  Plastic Bo believes that: the main factors affecting the yellowing resistance of TPE.TPR transparent material or light-colored material are.

  First, the type of operating oil.

  The second is the type and origin of the rubber base material.

  The third is the addition of anti-UV agent.

  First, look at the rubber base material. First of all, TPE with SEBS as the base material has better yellowing resistance than TPR with SBS as the base material. This is because SEBS is the hydrogenation product of SBS thermoplastic rubber. According to the hydrogenation theory mentioned above, the yellowing resistance of TPE transparent material is better than the yellowing resistance of TPR transparent material.

  Then look at the type of operating oil, some poor quality operating oil, easy to cause TPE transparent material yellowing, so the operating oil manufacturer's production and processing process is very important. Operation of the production process to add antioxidants or anti-aging agent, can improve the yellowing resistance of the operating oil. For some transparent or white TPE products with high requirements of yellowing resistance, you can consider adding anti-UV agent in the TPE formula to enhance the yellowing resistance of the material. If it is the impact of the origin of TPE, according to statistics: Japan > China > United States. We have been studying the yellowing resistance to enhance the problem, but also in order to better Chinese TPE materials are getting better and better, do not always rely on imports to affect our market demand, TPE / TPR yellowing resistance to influence the factors? Plastic Bo said so much.


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