PVC,TPE,TPV door and window seal features

  • Time of issue:2021-12-24
  • Views:685

PVC,TPE,TPV door and window seal features

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:SPP
  • Origin:en.tpe-sp.com
  • Time of issue:2021-12-24
  • Views:685

 Compared to the transparent and clean window and door glass, high-end atmosphere of aluminum or other materials door frame, and the magnificent window and door curtains, the seal in the home windows and doors accessories, basically belong to the role of obscurity. However, this unobtrusive seal products, its role is played by many. A good seal can play a triple effect of sound insulation, windproof, cold, etc.. The sound insulation effect is regarded as one of the most important indicators to evaluate the quality of window and door seals. Of course, in addition to sound insulation, windproof, cold and other functions, the environmental safety of door and window seals has gradually become the focus of consumer attention in recent years.

  When it comes to the materials used for door and window seals, there is nothing more common than PVC and rubber.

  PVC seals are the most common. Affordable, good elasticity, resistance to sun and rain, weather resistance and other comprehensive performance is excellent. So far, PVC still occupies a place in the field of window and door sealing strips. However, PVC seals are easy to harden at low temperatures (-10℃) and lose their elasticity, resulting in deformation, which seriously affects their sealing performance. In addition, PVC materials have a big smell, and many of them contain toxic phthalate plasticizers. At present, some high-end hotels, hotels, offices, etc., are beginning to limit the use of PVC door and window seals.

  Rubber seals are also quite common. Compared with PVC seals, rubber seals have better weather resistance, aging resistance, and low temperature resistance. Longer service life. However, most of the rubber has a big odor and adds aromatic oil and cross-linking agent and other toxic substances, which is a potential health hazard for consumers. In addition, from the point of view of material processing and reuse, rubber materials processing cycle is long, and the waste products can not be recycled again, is its shortcomings.

  TPE sealing strips have gradually become common in recent years. Compared with PVC seals, TPE seals can withstand low temperatures of -50℃ without deformation, maintain good sealing properties, and do not contain phthalate toxic plasticizers; compared with rubber materials that need to be vulcanized and cross-linked, TPE materials with thermoplastic processing cycle is short, and the waste products can be 100% recycled.

  TPV is a high-end variety of TPE, its special micro-cross-linked structure gives the material more excellent acid and alkali resistance, UV resistance, solvent resistance, aging resistance, flexural deformation resistance, more suitable for contact with the light of the outdoor environment. Compared with TPE materials, TPV seals have a longer service life. With the gradual improvement of consumer requirements in all aspects, I believe that in the near future the door and window seals will gradually enter the TPV era!

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